Theatre Programs



Offered as:
Full-time and Part-time

Entry in:
Summer, Fall and Winter

Theatre Students



Immerse yourself in all facets of theatre-making. Learn to work collaboratively backstage and onstage. AMPD’s Theatre programs expose students to many aspects of theatre, offering experiences that mirror the professional world.

Theatre programs immerse students in all aspects of theatre, fostering the ability to specialize or to assume a wide range of roles and apply various approaches to performance. Incoming students share a common first-year curriculum in which they take courses across the various fields of theatre and performance. At the end of first year, students branch into a particular program according to their interests and goals*. Throughout the programs, students work as members of creative and production teams for department shows, including Theatre@York productions.

*Entry into some programs in second year is by audition or interview.


Top 6 reasons to apply

One of Canada’s largest and most comprehensive theatre departments

Multiple pathways to choose from

State-of-the-art facilities

A dynamic season of fully mounted plays, festivals, and studio productions

Professional placement opportunities

Connections with professional artists active in all aspects of the industry


Experiential Education

  • Participate in all aspects of the Theatre@York season, in front of and behind the scenes
  • Develop and present new work to the public


Experiential Education

  • Meet alumni and visiting professionals from across a broad professional spectrum at Prime Time sessions (Photo 1: Prime Time session with alumni drag artists.)
  • Workshops with theatre professionals (Photo 2: Accessibility & Relaxed Performances Workshop with the British Council.)


Experiential Education

  • Attend performances in downtown Torontos
  • Attend talk backs and public readings of new works at Toronto companies, including Factory Theatre (photo 1), Tarragon, fu-GEN Asian Canadian Theatre, Why Not Theatre, and many others.
  • Interview and network with Canadian theatre professionals Photo 2: Nina Lee Aquino (left), Artistic Director of Factory Theatre, speaks with acting students.


Experiential Education

  • Work with Canadian Stage building costumes for Shakespeare in High Park.
  • New placement opportunities coming 2020


Experiential Education

  • Prague Quadrennial (photo 1), developing student programs, presenting original work, and supporting exhibitions.
  • Quadrennial World Stage Design convening (photo 3), including Cardiff (2013), Taipei (2017) and Calgary (2021)
  • Design and realize pieces produced at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe (photo 2).

Year One

Theatre Students


The first year is a Foundation Year common to all Theatre students, and includes courses in Acting, Production and Design, and Performance Creation and Research. At the end of the first year, students may apply, either by audition or interview, to move into one of the BFA degree programs, or continue as BA students. All students accepted into the Department of Theatre in AMPD enter as Honours BA Theatre majors, during which there are plenty of opportunities for hands-on learning and being involved in the many aspects of theatre making.

First year highlights

Become immersed in the Theatre program from day one

Prime Time


Held on specified Wednesdays throughout the year, Prime Time is an opportunity for students to meet our renowned alumni and other theatre professionals and engage openly on issues relevant to theatre makers.

Play Ground


This student-run theatre festival offers all students a chance to showcase their talents and work collaboratively with friends and colleagues to mount new works.

Faculty Advisors


Each first-year student has a dedicated faculty advisor who provides support and guidance. Students are encouraged to meet with faculty advisors at least once in each term.

Sample courses

Into to Acting

Introduces the principles, processes and skills of acting for the stage. Students will rehearse and perform a variety of class presentations, and actively participate in warm-ups, theatre games and acting exercises.

Intro to Stage Craft

Introduces the fundamentals and vocabulary of design, lighting and stagecraft. Depending on the year, this could include sound, props, paint, and other critical elements of a given production.

Intro to Theatre & Performance

Designed to introduce Theatre students to the key concepts and debates animating Theatre Studies today.


Years Two to Four

Theatre Students


The Department of Theatre offers two similar programs in Performance Creation; one has a stronger emphasis on studies and academic work and results in a Bachelor of Arts Honours (BA), while the other highlights studio work and culminates in a Bachelor of Fine Arts Honours (BFA).

The BFA in Performance Creation prepares students to move fluidly across artistic disciplines and to assume a wide range of roles in collaborative performance settings, including creating, writing, designing and performing original work. The Performance Creation program encourages students to explore a wide range of interests, as well as introducing various approaches to performance, theatre creation, theatre education and applied theatre, including activist performance, community-based performance and performance ethnography.

The BA in Performance Creation focuses on studies in dramatic and performance theory, criticism and history, and theatre in education. Students may choose to specialize in Playwriting and New Play Dramaturgy, where they will learn to write for the stage; or Devised Theatre, which focuses on group creation of original works, incorporating all elements of playmaking from writing, design and management to performance. Students planning to pursue graduate or teaching degrees are strongly encouraged to take the BA program.

Program highlights

History and current practice of Theatre and Performance in Canada

Gain active and detailed knowledge of the history and current practice of Theatre and Performance in Canada.

Playwriting and New Play Dramaturgy

Choose to specialize in Playwriting and New Play Dramaturgy, where you will learn to write and develop work for live performance; or Devised Theatre, which focuses on group creation of original works, incorporating all elements of playmaking from writing, design, and management to performance.

Interdisciplinary interests

Pursue interdisciplinary interests, combining Theatre with such other fields as Education, Psychology, Anthropology, English or Religious Studies.

Admission to Performance Creation

For students enrolled as Theatre majors going into second year


Letter of intent: April. Specific dates to be announced.
Program Change Request: May. Specific dates to be announced.

Admission Requirements Checklist for Performance Creation BA and BFA
For students enrolled as Theatre majors going into second year

Satisfactory 5.0 (C+) overall grade point average
✓ Successful completion of the following courses:
• THEA 1010 3.0 Introduction to Acting I
• THEA 1100 3.0 Introduction to Stagecraft I
• THEA 1200 6.0 Introduction to Theatre and Performance I
✓ In addition to the courses required of all Theatre majors, students undertaking a BFA in Performance Creation will be required to take two second year courses:
• THEA 2210 3.0: Theatre and Social Justice
• THEA 2110 6.0: Stagecraft II
These courses will ensure that students have the necessary technical and theoretical grounding to pursue a range of options in upper years.
✓ Students who proceed in the Performance Creation BFA are required to complete the online Program Change Request to switch from Honours BA to Honours BFA. Students who remain in the BA program do not need to submit a Program Change Request form.

Program Change

Students who proceed in the Performance Creation are required to complete the online Program Change Request to switch from Honours BA to Honours BFA. Deadline: May. Specific dates to be announced.


Within both the BA and BFA in Performance Creation, students can choose to specialize in Playwriting and New Play Dramaturgy and/or Devised Theatre starting in second year. These specializations have specific admission requirements.

Theatre Students


Playwriting and New Play Dramaturgy offers a sequence of two practical workshops focusing on the development of the playwright and developmental dramaturg. Aspects of playwriting, such as action, dramatic structure, plot, dialogue, characterization, sub-text and thematic development are addressed, always through the lens of individual voice and style. The series of courses emphasizes the development process, as well as the creative product. These courses will work towards giving playwright participants an understanding of how they write, why they write and what they write about, and towards giving dramaturg participants an experiential understanding of how plays develop and how the dramaturg fulfills an integral role in that process. The goal of these courses is for each participant to develop, understand, and apply an individualized method and practice of play creation. Offers of placement in Playwriting and New Play Dramaturgy take place at the end of first year and are conditional, pending final grades at the end of the winter term.


For students enrolled as Theatre majors going into second year

Portfolio: April. Specific dates to be announced.
Acceptance list post: April. Specific dates to be announced.
Reply to offers: May. Specific dates to be announced.
Program Change Request: May. Specific dates to be announced.

Admission Requirements Checklist for Playwriting and New Play Dramaturgy BFA:

✓ Satisfactory 5.0 (C+) overall grade point average
✓ Successful completion of the following courses:
• THEA 1010 3.0 Introduction to Acting I
• THEA 1100 3.0 Introduction to Stagecraft I
• THEA 1200 6.0 Introduction to Theatre and Performance I
Portfolio Evaluation
✓ After being accepted into the specialization, students must fill out the Program Change Request form.

Evaluation Process


  1. A monologue of no more than two pages responding to a specific prompt, for example, a monologue that begins with the following words: “It’s so cold, and I don’t know what to do with it.” (The prompt changes yearly).
  2. Maximum two pages in note form, contextualizing this monologue by identifying the geographical location of the monologue (introduce the world of the piece), the date/time/era in which it occurs (be as specific as possible), who the character is, to whom the character is speaking and why they are speaking to this person, and briefly explain what has occurred the moment before the character begins to speak to incite them to do so.
  3. An excerpt of maximum two pages from a play you have recently written or are writing. DO NOT SUBMIT LONGER EXCERPTS. Choose the two pages you feel showcases your voice as a writer today, here and now. Do not submit old work created more than a year ago or as part of a high school program. This is not about judging final draft “quality” but rather identifying individual voice and ability to express that voice in a particular and unique way.
  4. A statement that identifies the playwright who has inspired you the most and explains why, and/or your favourite theatre company and explains why you have chosen them. If you have a favourite director, you may also include this information. DO NOT REFER TO MOVIES, NOVELS, OR TELEVISION SHOWS.
  • All material submitted should be in Times New Roman font, 12 pt., double‐spaced.
  • Ensure that each page is numbered and has your name on it in the header (headers and numbers may be in 8 pt.).
  • Include a cover page for the portfolio that includes your: name, current year of study, declared major. Indicate whether you are applying as a Playwright or a Dramaturg. Include the following on the title page: In 2020-21 I will be in my XXX year of the program. (For example, if you will be in third year of the Theatre program, the XXX would be replaced with “THIRD”)
  • Submitted your portfolio as an attachment to the email, in one of the following file formats: Word (doc or docx), Rich Text (rtf), or PDF (pdf). Do not submit in OpenOffice (odt) or in Pages format.
  • Submit your portfolio any time between now and TBD, ELECTRONICALLY to Judith Rudakoff at
  • In the subject line of your email, please use “YOUR SURNAME: Playwriting 3290 Submission’ or ‘YOUR SURNAME: Dramaturgy 3290 Submission’.

Acceptance List 2020 N/A

Program Change

Students who proceed in Playwriting and New Play Dramaturgy are required to complete the online Change of Program request to switch from Honours BA to Honours BFA.

Theatre Students


Devised Theatre offers students an intensive curriculum in devising and performing original theatre pieces. This interdisciplinary series of courses is overseen and taught by faculty from all three areas of the department: Acting, Production and Performance Creation and Research (PCR). Students in the BA and BFA can take the series of courses. Offers of placement in Devised Theatre take place at the end of first year and are conditional, pending final grades at the end of the winter term.

Students in this Specialization can expect:

  • to deepen their historical and interdisciplinary understanding of devised theatre
  • to be exposed to a variety of methods for devising theatre in group contexts
  • to train to work in multiple areas of theatrical production
  • to build original works that are presented in the Devised Theatre Festival


For students enrolled as Theatre majors going into second year

Callbacks posted online by: April. Specific dates to be announced.
Notice of Acceptances: April. Specific dates to be announced.
Confirmation of your acceptance: May. Specific dates to be announced.
Program Change Request: May. Specific dates to be announced.

Admission Requirements Checklist for devised and New Play Dramaturgy BFA:

✓ Satisfactory 5.0 (C+) overall grade point average
✓ Successful completion of the following courses:
• THEA 1010 3.0 Introduction to Acting I
• THEA 1100 3.0 Introduction to Stagecraft I
• THEA 1200 6.0 Introduction to Theatre and Performance I
Portfolio Evaluation
✓ After being accepted into the specialization, students must fill out the Program Change Request form.

Acceptance into THEA 2050, Introduction to Devised Theatre, does not guarantee entrance into further upper-level Devised Theatre classes. Admission into each subsequent Devised Theatre course is on the basis of a 6.0 (B) overall grade point average in the prerequisite class.

Evaluation Process


Step One

Prepare a short video piece (Performance/Experience/Installation) that creatively recreates a moment or idea inspired from one of this year’s Devised Theatre Festival shows. The Devised Theatre Festival takes place each year in March with many show options for you to choose from.

Your piece must be from your own point of view using the following criteria:

  • Include your full name
  • Maximum (10) ten words (no min)
  • Maximum (3) three props (no min)
  • Maximum (1) one minute length (strict)
  • Costumes are optional
  • Additional lighting or media are optional, but each device will count as a prop
  • Your devised piece may or may NOT include you as a live performer, but if your piece does have a live performer, only you may fill the role
  • Be Creative

Please feel free to get together with your colleagues to help each other with video recording, creating and playing.

Please upload your video to the video sharing platform of your choice (YouTube, Vimeo) OR share the file via the cloud-based file sharing service of your choice (DropBox, Google Drive) and send the link to Devised Theatre Coordinator, Gwenyth Dobie at

  • If sharing via Youtube, Vimeo, or other video platform, please make sure your permissions are set to public or unlisted, NOT Private
  • If sharing via DropBox, Google Drive or other cloud-based file sharing service please share the link for the file, not the folder or the file itself.

Video Submission: deadline TBD

Step Two

No preparation is necessary for the in-person audition.
Audition date(s): April. Specific dates to be announced.

Callback List N/A

Acceptance List 2020 N/A

Program Change

Students who proceed in Theatre Devised are required to complete the online Change of Program request to switch from Honours BA to Honours BFA.

  • actor
  • arts administrator
  • community arts practitioner
  • designer
  • director
  • dramaturg
  • drama therapist
  • literary manager
  • play-maker
  • playwright
  • theatre critic
  • activist
  • scenographer
  • teacher
Theatre Students


This program engages students in all elements of theatrical design and stage production, combining hands-on technical skills with the creative, storytelling aspects of theatre in course work and studio settings.

Specialized courses in set, costume, lighting, media and sound design, complement studies in sustainability, technical direction and management. Graduates are thriving as designers, producers, technicians and theatre managers across Canada and around the globe.

Production and Design students participate in more than one specialization, allowing both intense study in a specific discipline and broader exposure to interconnected specializations.

Program highlights

Ability to combine a variety of specializations to suit individual interests and goals:

Theatre Design – set, lighting, costume, media
Construction – costume, scenery, props, lighting, sound and media
Management – production management, technical direction, stage management

Engage in all aspects of production and design for live performance, from front-of-house to sound design

Work hands-on with all aspects of design and production for shows presented by Theatre@York

Admission to Production and Design BFA

For students enrolled as Theatre majors going into second year


Letter of intent: April. Specific dates to be announced.
Program Change Request: May. Specific dates to be announced.

Admission Requirements Checklist for Production and Design BFA
Satisfactory 5.0 (C+) overall grade point average
✓ Successful completion of the following courses:
• THEA 1010 3.0 Introduction to Acting I
• THEA 1100 3.0 Introduction to Stagecraft I
• THEA 1200 6.0 Introduction to Theatre and Performance I
✓ Demonstrated potential for success in the Production and Design area, including the ability to collaborate well with others and participate fully in first-year classes and crews
✓ Letter of intent
✓ Portfolio and interview
✓ After being accepted into the specialization, students must fill out the Program Change Request form

Evaluation Process

1Write a letter of intent explaining why you wish to pursue studies in this area, stating which particular disciplines are of interest, and indicating previous relevant experience. Letters can be submitted to the Production and Design Area Coordinator Professor James McKernan,

2Interview – The Production & Design Area faculty are interested in a student’s ability in class, overall attitude, commitment to crew work, and aptitude for production work.

3Bring to the interview a portfolio (minimum two examples of work, preferably recent) that demonstrates visual and artistic dexterity and/or organizational ability.

4Acceptance will be based on the letter of intent, interview, portfolio and the student’s academic record.

Program Change

Students who proceed in Production and Design are required to complete the online Change of Degree request to switch from Honours BA to Honours BFA.

Deadline: May. Specific dates to be announced.

  • technical director
  • production designer
  • producer
  • production manager
  • stage manager
  • assistant stage manager
  • set designer
  • set builder/carpenter
  • scene shop manager
  • scenic artist
  • set painter
  • set dresser for film and television
  • props coordinator
  • props builder
  • prop buyer
  • lighting designer
  • lighting director
  • lighting technician
  • show control specialist
  • costume designer
  • costume cutter
  • costume construction
  • costume first hand
  • wardrobe coordinator
  • wardrobe shop manager
  • wardrobe buyer
  • wardrobe/costume dyer
  • wardrobe/costume breakdown
  • fashion designer
  • sound designer
  • sound technician
  • events manager/coordinator
  • theatre consultant
  • front of house manager
  • theatre manager
  • drama teacher
  • theme environment designer/imagineer
  • exhibition designer
  • character designer for video game industry
  • architecture consultant
  • project manager

*Many opportunities for Production and Design graduates exist across the fields of theatre, film and television, and increasingly media and technology.


Notable Alumni







Theatre Students


The Acting program offers students intense, rigorous, integrated training in acting for the stage and screen. Students study voice, movement and acting over the three final years of the degree, acquiring knowledge and a range of high-level skills that are then applied in performance projects. The Acting Conservatory takes students deep into scene study, script analysis and character development. Upper year Conservatory members are cast in Theatre@York’s mainstage season, which features classic masterpieces and contemporary plays from Canada and around the world, chosen to address significant cultural and political debates.

Program highlights

Become immersed in the Theatre program from day one

Immersion in all facets of acting

Physical, emotional and vocal improvisation, contemporary and classical text, period style and on-camera technique.

Engage with award-winning faculty

Learn with faculty whose work has been presented on stages, in festivals and in publications around the world, and who bring leading-edge practice and theory together in the classroom.

Perform and create in state-of-the-art facilities

From backstage to on stage, AMPD’s facilities are considered among the best in the world.

Admission to Acting Conservatory BFA

For students enrolled as Theatre majors going into second year


Sign-up for an audition: Mid-March. Specific dates TBD
Acting Conservatory audition dates: April. Specific dates TBD
Callbacks: April. Specific dates TBD
Callbacks posted online by: April. Specific dates TBD
Notice of Acceptances: April. Specific dates TBD
Confirmation of your acceptance: May. Specific dates TBD
Program Change Request: May. Specific dates TBD

Admission Requirements Checklist for Acting Conservatory BFA

Satisfactory 5.0 (C+) overall grade point average
Successfully complete the following courses:
• THEA 1010 3.0 Introduction to Acting 1
• THEA 1100 3.0 Introduction to Stagecraft 1
• THEA 1200 6.0 Introduction to Theatre and Performance
Students who successfully audition but do not successfully complete THEA 1200 6.0 will not be accepted into the Acting area.

Student who successfully audition but do not successfully complete THEA 1200 6.0 will not be accepted into the Acting area.

✓ Audition
✓ After being accepted into the specialization, students must fill out the Program Change Request form.

Acceptance into the Acting Conservatory in second year does not guarantee entrance into the upper-level Acting Conservatory. Admission into each subsequent year is on the basis of a 6.0 (B) overall grade point average in the prerequisite classes.



  1. Prepare two memorized contrasting contemporary monologues (from published plays with professional productions only). Students are advised to choose material that reflects their strengths and does not go beyond their age range. No dialects or accents. Read the plays in their entirety. Each monologue should be no longer than one and a half minutes.
  2. Prepare a song (any genre). The song is to be sung without any live or recorded accompaniment. Apply the same acting guidelines to the song as you would to your monologues—to a person in a place for a reason. The song should be under one minute in length.
  1. In order to audition for the second-year Acting Conservatory, students must successfully complete THEA 1010 3.0 (i.e. not receive an ‘E’ or an ‘F’ grade).
  2. Sign up for ONE of the four daytime auditions sessions taking place in April (specific dates TBD) at SignUpGenius. You do not need to submit a Letter of Intent or Resume.
  3. You must be present for the entire block of time which you have signed up for. The panel will include Acting Area faculty.
  4. Come at least half an hour before your scheduled time. You may warm-up quietly in ACE 209; no loud vocal exercises or conversation please. This room is reserved for those preparing, so please use the studio respectfully for that purpose.
  5. Wear close-fitting clothes that you can move in comfortably (no jeans) and bare feet. Do not dress “for the part;” no jewelry; all loose hair must be tied back off the face; no hats; minimal “street” make‐up if any at all.
  6. Try to avoid props altogether; one prop may be used if absolutely necessary. Do not use mime. We will supply a chair for your use.
  7. There will be a brief group warm-up. You should then expect to perform one of your monologues (the one you feel most comfortable with) and some of the song within your scheduled block of time. There may also be a group session with improvisations.
  8. Do not be surprised if you are stopped during your piece or your song. If you are asked to do something entirely different with your piece, we may just be trying to discover your capacity for redirection.
Acting Conservatory Callbacks. Specific date TBD.
  1. A list of callback candidates will be posted to our callback webpage. You must memorize both roles of the provided neutral scene that you can find at the bottom of the callback webpage.
  2. You must be present for the entire block of time for which you have been assigned. ACE 209 will be available for your use one half-hour before the scheduled start. Please bring a snack and water and be prepared to wait for your turn.
  3. Candidates will be asked to do their second monologue (one and a half minutes maximum). You may be requested to stop.
  4. There will also be a group session utilizing improvisations.
  5. Only full-time Acting Conservatory faculty members will be at the callback sessions.
  6. The Acting Conservatory auditions are confidential. Panel members (including your instructors and course directors) will not provide feedback or discuss the rationale for placement with candidates.

Offers of placement are conditional, pending final grades of the 2020 winter term. Successful applicants to the Acting Conservatory must achieve a satisfactory 5.0 (C+) overall grade point average and meet the requirements and deadlines of the Department of Theatre.

If you have questions about streaming into the Acting Conservatory in second year, please contact Eric Armstrong,

Call Back List N/A
Acceptance List 2020 N/A

Program Change

Students who proceed in the Acting Conservatory are required to complete the online Program Change Request to switch from Honours BA to Honours BFA. Deadline: May. Specific dates to be announced.

Graduation Requirements


1Maintain a grade of B or higher in each course of Voice, Movement and Acting in order to be allowed to advance to the next term.

2Students are reassessed at the end of each term. Assessment is based on academic evaluation and progress in class work.

3Complete at least 81 credits in Theatre

  • actor
  • director
  • casting agent
  • voice coach
  • acting coach
  • voice coach
  • drama teacher
  • broadcaster
  • art/movement therapist


Notable Alumni

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How to apply

A. Ontario Universities’ Application Centre (OUAC) Application

Use this application if:
  • You want to apply to degree studies for any session (Ontario high-school students should see their guidance office). Fee Information.
  • You’re a mature or university/college applicant (if you’re applying to more than one university). Fee Information.

Apply Now

B. York University Application

Use this application if:
  • You are a mature, international or university/college transfer applicant (if you’re only applying to York), OR
  • You want to take courses as a Visiting Student, OR
  • You want to apply to a certificate, OR
  • You are currently taking a York pre-University/”Bridging” course or YUELI course

Fees: $120 (non-refundable)

Apply Now

Once you have submitted your application, you will receive an email containing your York reference ID. This email will be sent approximately 5-10 business days after you submit your application. Please complete step 4 once you have your York Reference ID.

Once you have submitted your application, you will receive an email containing your York reference ID. This email will be sent approximately 5-10 business days after you submit your application. Please complete step 4 once you have your York Reference ID.

  • Make sure you have your York Reference ID on hand.
  • Complete the questionnaire and upload at least one (ideally two) letter/s of recommendation. It’s to help us get to know you a little better.
  • Pay the administration fee of: $60 CAD. You will then be able to proceed with the audition.
  • Read through the instructions below on the audition and/or evaluation process.
  • Book a date to complete your in-person audition or complete it online. If you live outside of the Greater Toronto Area, you can upload digital files of your recorded audition instead. In this case your digital files will be reviewed and assessed, but we strongly encourage you to visit campus for an in-person audition if possible.
  • If attending an in-person audition/evaluation, please bring a recent photograph with you.

Good luck!

Part 1: Presentation

Our application process is designed to help us get to know you. What you choose to perform or present should reflect your interests, but does not imply that you will be limited to that area if you are accepted to the Department of Theatre. During our first year, all students experience foundation training in all areas of the program.

For the purposes of this evaluation, we prefer you to perform or present memorized or prepared material, rather than reading from a script or improvising. Please be prepared to receive redirection; it is our way of seeing if you can play with new suggestions. Please prepare no more than 3 minutes of material.

Come prepared to perform one of the following:
  1. a contemporary monologue – use only published plays – read the play and know the story, don’t use monologue books! (you may be asked questions about your character)
  2. a piece of your own dramatic writing
  3. a song (no accompanist) (some examples could be original, traditional, cover, standard, rap)
  4. a poem (some examples could be original, spoken word, slam, ASL)
  5. a comedy routine
  6. a dance piece (some examples could be street dance, traditional/folk dance, improvisational dance)
  7. a performance that does not use text (some examples could be puppets, installation, juggling)


Make an oral presentation about one of the following:
  1. your experience directing or dramaturging a play in production or a play in development
  2. your experience in teaching theatre (acting, movement, improvisation)
  3. your involvement in a community event or project
  4. your experience in one of the following: producing, stage managing or building costumes, lights, sets, props for a performance piece
  5. a design portfolio showcasing your original design work in costumes, sets, lighting or props (some examples could be drawings, photographs, painting)
  6. an organized documentation of your own art or craft work (drawings, photographs, costumes, props, sets, paintings, furniture, metalwork)
  7. a critique of a performance or play or artistic installation that you have seen
Part 2: Personal Interview

Your 5 minute personal interview gives us the opportunity to find out more about you, your interests and expectations. It also gives you an opportunity to ask us questions about the department. Be prepared to talk about your presentation. We suggest that you write down any specific questions, considerations and/or thoughts you may have about our program ahead of time.

Part 3: Writing Exercise

You’ll be asked one question about plays you’ve seen recently. This gives you the opportunity to express your own ideas about theatre, as well as to demonstrate your writing abilities.

You’ll be asked one question about plays you’ve seen recently (including performances available online, e.g. StratFest@Home). This gives you the opportunity to express your own ideas about theatre, as well as to demonstrate your writing abilities. If possible, try to see several different shows from a variety of companies before your evaluation so you have something to write about! You may also see one of our plays in the Theatre @ York season before you come. Here’s a link to the season description:

If you find you’re unable to attend this appointment and want to reschedule, visit our Supplementary Evaluation website and go to the Evaluation Appointment option for this program. If you need to change your appointment on short notice (5 calendar days or less in advance of your original booking), please email us at

Thank you for your interest in our Theatre program! We wish you all the best with your evaluation and look forward to meeting you.


Applicants are strongly encouraged to attend auditions/evaluations in-person. If you are unable to physically attend in person, you may consider an online process. In making this choice, it is important to know that you will miss the opportunity to see our facilities and engage directly with some of our faculty and current students.

Part 1 – Getting to Know You (please keep this part to 5 minutes) Upload a video introducing yourself – speak of who you are, your interests and experiences; and please answer the following questions: Why do you want to study theatre at York University? What do you see as the role of theatre in our society? Name a person or play that has influenced your passion for theatre and tell us how. If you could create a dream job for yourself, what would it be? Part 2 – Presentation (please prepare no more than 3 minutes of material)

Our application process is designed to help us get to know you. What you choose to perform or present should reflect your interests, but does not imply that you will be limited to that area if you are accepted to the Department of Theatre. During our first year, all students experience foundation training in all areas of the program. For the purposes of this evaluation, we prefer people to upload a performance or presentation that is memorized or prepared material, rather than reading from a script or improvising. Please upload no more than 3 minutes of material.

Upload a performance of one of the following:
  1. a contemporary monologue – use only published plays – read the play and know the story, don’t use monologue books! (you may be asked questions about your character)
  2. a piece of your own dramatic writing
  3. a song (some examples could be original, traditional, cover, standard, rap)
  4. a poem (some examples could be original, spoken word, slam, ASL
  5. a comedy routine
  6. a dance piece (some examples could be street dance, traditional/folk dance, improvisational dance)
  7. a performance that does not use text (some examples could be puppets, installation, juggling)


Upload an oral presentation about one of the following:
  1. your experience directing or dramaturging a play in production or a play in development
  2. your experience in teaching theatre (acting, movement, improvisation)
  3. your involvement in a community event or project
  4. your experience in one of the following: producing, stage managing or building costumes, lights, sets, props for a performance piece
  5. a design portfolio showcasing your original design work in costumes, sets, lighting or props (some examples could be drawings, photographs, painting)
  6. an organized documentation of your own art or craft work (drawings, photographs, costumes, props, sets, paintings, furniture, metalwork)
  7. a critique of a performance or play or artistic installation that you have seen. Your video should be filmed with a single camera, and should be unedited. We don’t require a professional recording. A basic “home” recording will suffice, provided the video shows you fully (not only your head/face) and the recording quality allows us to clearly view your presentation.

Choose the option you feel most comfortable with – the one that will allow you to reveal the most about yourself. Don’t worry about being locked into one area; we understand that you likely have more than one interest in theatre.

Part 3 – Written Exercise

List up to five theatrical productions (preferably professional) that you’ve seen recently and where (this can include online performances, e.g. Factory Theatre’s CurbSide series or National Theatre Live). Choose one of them to write about, discuss aspects of the play and/or production that stood out for you.You will have an opportunity to upload your written exercise to our online evaluation system.

Have questions about the supplementary evaluation for this program? Ask us at

*During the coronavirus pandemic public events on campus have been cancelled.

Have Questions?


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Anim pariatur cliche reprehenderit, enim eiusmod high life accusamus terry richardson ad squid. 3 wolf moon officia aute, non cupidatat skateboard dolor brunch. Food truck quinoa nesciunt laborum eiusmod. Brunch 3 wolf moon tempor, sunt aliqua put a bird on it squid single-origin coffee nulla assumenda shoreditch et. Nihil anim keffiyeh helvetica, craft beer labore wes anderson cred nesciunt sapiente ea proident. Ad vegan excepteur butcher vice lomo. Leggings occaecat craft beer farm-to-table, raw denim aesthetic synth nesciunt you probably haven’t heard of them accusamus labore sustainable VHS.
Anim pariatur cliche reprehenderit, enim eiusmod high life accusamus terry richardson ad squid. 3 wolf moon officia aute, non cupidatat skateboard dolor brunch. Food truck quinoa nesciunt laborum eiusmod. Brunch 3 wolf moon tempor, sunt aliqua put a bird on it squid single-origin coffee nulla assumenda shoreditch et. Nihil anim keffiyeh helvetica, craft beer labore wes anderson cred nesciunt sapiente ea proident. Ad vegan excepteur butcher vice lomo. Leggings occaecat craft beer farm-to-table, raw denim aesthetic synth nesciunt you probably haven’t heard of them accusamus labore sustainable VHS.